81st Annual General Meeting of the Victoria Institution Old Boys’ Association (VIOBA)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 81st Annual General Meeting of the Victoria Institution Old Boys’ Association (VIOBA) will be held on:-


Date : Sunday, 23.08.2015

Time : 9.30 a.m.

Location : VIOBA Clubhouse


The business to be considered at the Meeting is set out below:-

1. To agree to the holding of the 81st Annual General Meeting on 23.08.2015 and all ensuing proceedings;

2. To confirm the 80th Annual General Meeting Minutes held on 08.06.2014;

3. To receive the President’s Annual Report;

4. To receive and adopt the Audited Accounts for year ending 31.12.2014;

5. To consider and if thought fit, pass the following resolution:

(i) That the name of the VIOBA be changed from “Pertubuhan Bekas Penuntut-Penuntut Sekolah Victoria (Victoria Institution Old Boys’ Association)” to “Pertubuhan Bekas Penuntut-Penuntut Sekolah Victoria (Victoria Institution Alumni Association)” and to authorise any consequential changes to the emblem and rules of the VIOBA.

6. To elect the Office Bearers and Members for the 2015/2017 V.I.O.B.A. Management Committee;

7. To elect 3 members to the Disciplinary Sub-Committee;

8. To elect 2 Honorary Auditors;


By Order of the Management Committtee,

Honorary Secretary