The VIOBA was founded. The principal objective in founding the VIOBA was to render assistance to the needy pupils of the schools. It was felt that no VI student should be unable to pursue his or her studies diligently because of want. The objective is valid until today. The VIOBA was also founded with the premise that there should be an association for ex-students where they can maintain the VI Spirit. The first clubhouse was located in a shop lot at 17 Rodger Street. The spacious building was provided by towkay Yap Fatt Yew, who incidentally was not an old boy.
Efforts were made to construct a suitable building inside the school compound. The sub-committee headed by Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, faced an uphill task to gain the necessary permission and funding.
HRH the Sultan of Selangor laid the foundation of the clubhouse on 30th July at 5:15pm.
The Clubhouse was officially opened on 11th April by the HRH the Sultan of Selangor.
The VIOBA Foundation was set up to provide assistance in the form of scholarships, loans and grants. The VIOBA Foundation is the only organisation in Malaysia which generates its own Fund to award financial assistance to deserving students and to provide financial support to the school.
VIOBA celebrates 100 years of Victoria Institution.
VIOBA celebrates its 75th annivesary.
The VIOBA Foundation under the guidance of Dato’ Jaffar Indot, restores the VI Clock tower. The VIOBA official website is launched to welcome the new millennium.